Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: permissionsRender
Arguments: data
Description: Render permissions lists
Page type: snippet
Render function:  
Module: siteutil

Page source:

<h1>Module Path and Permissions</h1>

<p>Below is module path and permission information for the current session.</p>

<p>The current user is
<i><webl>if wubinfo.user != nil then wubinfo.user else `anonymous</i>. &nbsp;<a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=login">Logging in</a> as a registered user will give you more priviledges.<i>` end</webl></i>.

<h2>Module path</h2>
<p>Your module path is:</p>
<p>If you type a command without a module name
(an unqualified function name, e.g. "profile"), it will search
through the above modules in order.</p>

<h2>Read permissions</h2>
<p>You may read and execute functions in the following modules:</p>

<h2>Write permissions</h2>
<p>You may edit and create new functions in the following modules:</p>