Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: portalRenderDragableFrames Arguments: portletData Description: Portal renderer using AJAX dragable box "frames" Page type: html Render function: Module: siteutil Page source: <html> <title>WubHub</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <style type="text/css"> <webl> var s = WubCall("dragableFramesCSS", []); Markup(s); </webl> </style> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/basic.css"/> <script type="text/javascript"> <webl> var js = WubCall("dragableFramesJS", []); var numColumns = (portletData["numColumns"] ? 2); js = Wub_ReplaceAll(js, "numberOfColumns = 2", "numberOfColumns = " + ToString(numColumns)); // Make sure cmds have been rendered using portlet command if Size(portletData.entries) > 0 then var h = (portletData.entries[0].html ? nil); if h == nil then portletData = WubCall("portlet", [portletData]) end end; var col = 0; var s = "function createPortletBoxes() {"; every p in portletData.entries do var html = (p.html ? "<p>MISSING HTML</p>"); html = Wub_ReplaceAll(html, "\r\n", `\n`); html = Wub_ReplaceAll(html, "\n", `\n`); html = Wub_ReplaceAll(html, "'", `\'`); col = col + 1; if col > numColumns then col = 1 end; var fixedHeight = (ToString(p.height) ? "false"); s = s + ` var htmlContentOfNewBox = '<DIV>` + html + `</div>'; var titleOfNewBox = '` + Str_Trim(p.title) + `'; if(!staticObjectArray['static` + + `']){ var newIndex = createABox(` + ToString(col) + `,` + fixedHeight + `,false,'static` + + `'); document.getElementById('dragableBoxContent' + newIndex).innerHTML = htmlContentOfNewBox; document.getElementById('dragableBoxHeader_txt' + newIndex).innerHTML = titleOfNewBox; }else{ document.getElementById('dragableBoxContent' + staticObjectArray['static` + + `']).innerHTML = htmlContentOfNewBox; document.getElementById('dragableBoxHeader_txt' + newIndex).innerHTML = titleOfNewBox; } hideHeaderOptionsForStaticBoxes(staticObjectArray['static` + + `']); ` end; s = s + `} function initDragableBoxesScript() { createColumns(); // Always the first line of this function createHelpObjects(); // Always the second line of this function initEvents(); // Always the third line of this function if(useCookiesToRememberRSSSources)createRSSBoxesFromCookie(); // Create RSS boxes from cookies createPortletBoxes(); // Create default boxes. `; var readonly = (portletData.readonly ? false); if readonly then js = Wub_ReplaceAll(js, `okToMove = true`, `okToMove = false`) end; s = s + `} window.onload = initDragableBoxesScript; `; js + s; </webl> </script> </head> <body> <webl> var reqinfo, cmdinfo, usermsg; if wubinfo.user != nil then usermsg = `User: <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=` + wubinfo.user + `.profile">`+wubinfo.user + `</a> [<a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=site.logout">logout</a>]` else usermsg = `Anonymous [<a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=site.login">login</a>]` end; if wubinfo.cmd != nil then reqinfo = "Source: "+wubinfo.cmd+` [<a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=site.edit(`+wubinfo.cmd+`)">edit</a>]`; cmdinfo = "Command: "+wubinfo.cmdline; else reqinfo = "Source: (none)"; cmdinfo = ""; end; var header = Markup(WubCall("siteheader",[usermsg])); header; </webl> <h1><webl>portletData.title</webl></h1> <div id="main-text"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <webl> var res = ""; var leftEntries = (portletData.leftentries ? nil); var leftWidth = (portletData.leftwidth ? 200); if leftEntries != nil then res = "<td valign=top width=" + ToString(leftWidth) + ">\n"; every e in leftEntries do res = res + e.html + "\n<br>"; end; res = res + "</td>" end; res; </webl> <!-- START DRAGABLE CONTENT --> <td valign=top> <div id="floatingBoxParentContainer"> <webl> var s = ""; var cmd = (wubinfo.cmd ? "portal"); if Size(portletData.entries) == 0 then s = `Use <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=addCmdToPortal(` + cmd + `)">addCmdToPortal(` + cmd + `)</a> to add content to this empty portal`; end; s; </webl> <div class="clear" id="clear"></div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>