Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: invitemsg
Arguments: invitationid,joinWhat,numuses,invitername,inviterid
Description: Displays invitation message, given a new invitationid.
Page type: snippet
Render function:  
Module: siteutil

Page source:

<p>Below is the invitation token you may pass on to to someone 
you'd like to invite to join Collaborama.  You may copy the
message below and e-mail it.

This invitation token will work for <b>%numuses%</b> signup(s).


<h1>Invitation To Join Collaborama</h1>

<p>%invitername% has invited you to try Collaborama.</p>

<p>Collaborama is a Collaborative Software Creation Ecoysystem (CSCE) that enables developers and teams to conceive of software ideas, 
gather requirements, get feedback, team up to work on a project, develop using an iterative process that encourages code reuse, and 
then test, deploy, market and sell the software project and/or select components or designs used in the project.</p>

<p>Collaborama is in a very early alpha release stage.  It is not mature,
but a few people have been invited to try it out and give feedback.

<p>To try it or read more, visit
<a href=""></a>.
(Because of the alpha state, we're keeping a low profile
and a non-standard port.)
If you'd like to signup for a free account, visit Collaborama and type "signup"
in the command line.  When prompted for an invitation token, use this:

Invitation token:  %invitationid%

We hope you find WubHub useful and we look forward to your suggestions and

- The Collaborama Team