Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: consoleCmd Arguments: input Description: Page type: webl Render function: Module: siteutil Page source: var response; var varSet = fun(str, newVar) var vars = {}; if Str_Trim(str) != "" then vars = (WubEval(str) ? {}) end; if (newVar != nil) then if ( != "bkvars") then vars = vars + {} end end; return vars end; var initVars = fun(str, newVar) var res = ""; every v in varSet(str, newVar) do if v != "bkvars" then res = res + "var " + v + ";\n" end end; return res end; var isVar = fun(str) var ok = true; every ch in str do ok = ok and (((ch >= '0') and (ch <= '9')) or ((ch >= 'A') and (ch <= 'z'))) end; return ok end; var checkStatement = fun(symbol, str) var res = nil; var i = Str_IndexOf(symbol, str); if i > 0 then var lhs = Str_Trim(Select(str, 0, i)); var rhs = Str_Trim(Select(str, i+Size(symbol), Size(str))); if Str_EndsWith(rhs, ";") then rhs = Select(rhs, 0, Size(rhs)-1) end; if isVar(lhs) then res = [. name=lhs, op=symbol, rhs=rhs .] end end; return res end; var checkVarAssigned = fun(str) var res = checkStatement(":=", str); if (res == nil) then res = checkStatement("=", str) end; return res end; var analyzeResponseType = fun(res, rhs) var dic = ToSource(res); var ac = dic; if Pagep(res) or Piecep(res) then var n = ToString(Wub_RandomInt(99999)); var ctype = "html"; var desc = "Page"; if Piecep(res) then ctype = "snippet"; desc = "Piece" end; var pagename = "tmp" + desc + n; var finfo = [. module=wubinfo.user, name=pagename, ctype=ctype, description="Page saved by console command.", render="", test="", version="0", tags="", flags="tmpconsole", exec=Markup(res), cacheexpire="", cacherefreshrate="", usecache="", createdby=wubinfo.user, modified="", created="", modifiedby=wubinfo.user,arglist="" .]; Wub_SaveFunctionInfo(finfo); dic = "<" + desc + " id='" + n + "'>"; ac = `WubCall("` + pagename + `", [])`; elsif PieceSetp(res) or Tagp(res) then if PieceSetp(res) then dic = "<Piece Set>" else dic = "<Tag>" end; ac = rhs end; return [. displayInConsole=dic, assignmentCode=ac .] end; var clearTmpFiles = fun() var P; var res = []; every func in Wub_GetFunctionsByTag("flag.tmpconsole") do Wub_DeleteFunction(func); res = res + [func] end; return res end; var main = fun() input = Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(input), "|", `"`); if Str_StartsWith(input, "var ") then input = Select(input, 4, Size(input)) end; if !Str_EndsWith(input, ";") then input = input + ";" end; if input == "clear;" then response = input elsif input == "bknext;" then wubvars["breakdone"] := true; response = "Releasing breakpoint" elsif input == "help;" then response = "HELP\n" + " =====================\n" + " clear Clear console\n" + " new Clear vars\n" + " vars See list of defined variables\n" + " bkvars A variable representing breakpoint vars\n" + " bknext Advance to next breakpoint\n" + " help See list of commands\n"; else var finfo = Wub_GetFunctionInfo(wubinfo.user + ".tmpConsole"); if (finfo == nil) or (input == "new;") then finfo = [. module=wubinfo.user, name="tmpConsole", ctype="text", description="", render="", test="", version="0", tags="", flags="", exec="", cacheexpire="", cacherefreshrate="", usecache="", createdby=wubinfo.user, modified="", created="", modifiedby=wubinfo.user,arglist="" .]; end; try var varAssigned = checkVarAssigned(input); if input == "vars;" then response = ToString(varSet(finfo.description, varAssigned)); return elsif input == "new;" then Wub_SaveFunctionInfo(finfo); var fils = clearTmpFiles(); response = "Vars cleared.\n{}"; return end; var bkvars = "var bkvars = " + ToString(wubvars.bkvars ? nil) + ";\n"; var varInit = initVars(finfo.description, varAssigned); var res = WubEval(bkvars + varInit + finfo.exec + input); var respInfo = analyzeResponseType(res, varAssigned.rhs ? input); response = respInfo.displayInConsole; if (varAssigned != nil) then finfo.exec := finfo.exec + "// " + input + "\n" + + varAssigned.op + respInfo.assignmentCode + ";\n"; finfo.description = ToString(varSet(finfo.description, varAssigned)); Wub_SaveFunctionInfo(finfo) end; catch E on true do // finfo.exec := finfo.exec + "\n" + ToString([. input=input, error=E .]); // Wub_SaveFunctionInfo(finfo); response = E.type + ": "; var msg = WubEval(E.msg); msg = msg[0]; msg = Select(msg, 0, Str_IndexOf("(", msg)); response = response + msg end end; end; main(); NewPage(response, "text/html");