Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: PER8
Description: BITLY Replacement with original URL
Page type: snippet
Render function:   siteutil.renderIssue
Module: perfectCartoon

Page source:

Just a quick note to follow up on our conversation this morning. 
I realize all the Bitly links need to be the original links otherwise
it won't look like a direct search engine. If you can figure out anyway
to do this with your magical softare wizardry that would be awesome. 
Not urgent right away but after I am done 'boosting'all the cartoons 
then I will begin manually replacing the Bitly URL's with the orginal
URL's. It will be another beast of a project so if you can figure out how 
to automate it I will be very, very appreciative. 
Thanks for giving it some thought when you find some time.
Great to see you at basketball too.