Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: searchProperties Arguments: sessionkey,type,address,price,beds,baths,rooms,size,lotSize,features,description Description: Searches for properties matching criteria Page type: webl Render function: Module: maybeathome Page source: var ret = nil; // [sessionkey,type,address,price,beds,baths,rooms,size,lotSize,features,description]; var msg = ""; var geocode = nil; var list = []; var aaddress = Str_Trim(address); var pprice = Wub_ReplaceAll(Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(price), ",", ""), "$", ""); var ssize = Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(size), ",", ""); var llotSize = Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(lotSize), ",", ""); var bbeds = Str_Trim(beds); var bbaths = Str_Trim(baths); var rrooms = Str_Trim(rooms); var ddescription = Str_Trim(description); if (Str_Trim(aaddress) != "") then geocode = WubCall("geocode", [aaddress]); end; if (geocode == nil) then msg = "Please enter a valid search location."; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) elsif (pprice != "" and (ToInt(pprice) ? -1) <= 0) then msg = "Please correct 'price'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) elsif (ssize != "" and (ToInt(ssize) ? -1) <= 10) then msg = "Please correct 'size'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) elsif (llotSize != "" and (ToInt(llotSize) ? -1) <= 10) then msg = "Please correct 'lot size'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) elsif (bbeds != "" and ((ToInt(beds) ? -1) <= 0) or (ToInt(bbeds) ? -1) > 20) then msg = "Please correct 'beds'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) elsif (rrooms != "" and ((ToInt(rooms) ? -1) <= 0) or (ToInt(rooms) ? -1) > 40) then msg = "Please correct 'rooms'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) elsif (bbaths != "" and ((ToInt(bbaths) ? -1) <= 0) or (ToInt(bbaths) ? -1) > 20) then msg = "Please correct 'baths'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize, features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) end; // No errors: add it if (ret == nil) then var db = Wub_GetDB("maybeathome"); var coll = Wub_GetCollection(db, "listings"); var searchParams = [. .]; if (geocode.postalCode != nil) then := geocode.postalCode; end; if ( != nil) then :=; end; // This should be added back, but our data is so old, state is not matching for our demo properties // Google must have changed the state from "Ile-De-France" to "IDF". This hack is the fastest way to get the demo working again. // if (geocode.state != nil) then // searchParams.state := geocode.state; // end; if ( != nil) then :=; end; if (type != nil and type != "") then if Stringp(type) then searchParams.type := type; end end; if (beds != nil and beds != "") then searchParams.beds := [. "$gte"=ToReal(bbeds) .]; // beds = WubCall("formatNum", [. "int", beds .] ); end; if (baths != nil and baths != "") then searchParams.baths := [. "$gte"=ToReal(bbaths) .]; // baths = WubCall("formatNum", [. "int", baths .] ); end; if (rooms != nil and rooms != "") then searchParams.rooms := [. "$gte"=ToReal(rrooms) .]; // rooms = WubCall("formatNum", [. "int", rooms .] ); end; if (size != nil and size != "") then searchParams.size := [. "$gte"=ToReal(ssize) .]; // size = WubCall("formatNum", [. "int", size .] ); end; if (lotSize != nil and lotSize != "") then searchParams.lotSize := [. "$gte"=ToReal(llotSize) .]; // lotSize = WubCall("formatNum", [. "int", lotSize .] ); end; if (price != nil and price != "") then searchParams.price := [. "$lte"=ToReal(pprice) .]; // price = WubCall("formatNum", [. "USD", price .] ); end; var dbobj = Wub_NewDBObject(searchParams); var res = Wub_QueryDB(coll, dbobj, 30); if (Size(res) == 0) then // should update msg = "No results found."; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey, msg, type, address, price, beds, baths, rooms, size, lotSize,features, description], "listings" = list .] ]) end; if (ret == nil) then every r in res do list = list + [ r ]; end; // ret = list; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.results", [ [. "args" = [sessionkey,"",type,address,price,beds,baths,rooms,size,lotSize,features,description], "listings" = list .] ]) end end; ret;