Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: addListing Arguments: sessionkey,type,address,price,size,lotSize,beds,baths,features,description Description: Add a new listing Page type: webl Render function: Module: maybeathome Page source: var ret = nil; // [sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]; var msg = ""; var geocode = nil; address = Str_Trim(address); price = Wub_ReplaceAll(Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(price), ",", ""), "$", ""); size = Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(size), ",", ""); lotSize = Wub_ReplaceAll(Str_Trim(lotSize), ",", ""); beds = Str_Trim(beds); baths = Str_Trim(baths); description = Str_Trim(description); var userInfo = WubCall("siteutil.getSessionInfo", ["maybeathome", sessionkey]); if (address != "") then geocode = WubCall("geocode", [address]); end; if (sessionkey == "nil" or sessionkey == "") then ret = WubCall("maybeathome.login", []) elsif (userInfo.arg0 == "buyer") then msg = "You must be logged in with a seller or realtor account to add a listing"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (address == "") then msg = "What is the address of your property?"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (geocode != nil and geocode.streetNumber == nil) then msg = "I couldn't find that address."; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (price == "" or (ToInt(price) ? -1) <= 0) then msg = "Please correct 'price'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (size == "" or (ToInt(size) ? -1) <= 10) then msg = "Please correct 'size'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (lotSize == "" or (ToInt(lotSize) ? -1) <= 10) then msg = "Please correct 'lot size'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (beds == "" or (ToInt(beds) ? -1) <= 0) or (ToInt(beds) ? -1) > 20 then msg = "Please correct 'beds'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) elsif (baths == "" or (ToInt(baths) ? -1) <= 0) or (ToInt(baths) ? -1) > 20 then msg = "Please correct 'baths'"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) end; // No errors: add it if (ret == nil) then var db = Wub_GetDB("maybeathome"); var coll = Wub_GetCollection(db, "listings"); var dbobj = Wub_NewDBObject([. subpremise = geocode.subpremise, streetNumber = geocode.streetNumber, street = geocode.street, postalCode = geocode.postalCode .]); var res = Wub_QueryDB(coll, dbobj, 20); if (Size(res) > 0) then // should update msg = "Listing already added."; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) end; if (ret == nil) then var data = [. subpremise = geocode.subpremise, streetNumber = geocode.streetNumber, street = geocode.street, postalCode = geocode.postalCode, city =, state = geocode.state, county = geocode.county, country =, lat =, lon = geocode.long, formatted = geocode.formatted, sessionkey = sessionkey, owner = userInfo.username, ownertype = userInfo.arg0, price = ToInt(price), size = ToInt(size), lotSize = ToInt(lotSize), beds = ToInt(beds), baths = ToInt(baths), features = features, description = description .]; // add user's information dbobj = Wub_NewDBObject(data); Wub_InsertDB(coll, dbobj); msg = "Listing added!"; ret = WubCall("maybeathome.sell", [msg, sessionkey, type, address, price, size, lotSize, beds, baths, features, description]) end end; ret;