Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: mediaTimeChangeTime Arguments: cmd,day,amount Description: Zero's out hours for that day, or converts TV time to Computer time Page type: webl Render function: Module: global Page source: var html = ""; if cmd == "ZERO OUT HOURS FOR THIS DAY" then var info = (WubCall("global.mediaTimeData", []) ? [. currentMedia = "tv", currentState = "STOP" .]); html = "Time zero'd out for " + day; var timeLeft = [. tv = 0, computer = 0 .]; info[day] := timeLeft; var funcinfo = Wub_GetFunctionInfo("global.mediaTimeData"); funcinfo.exec := ToString(info); Wub_SaveFunctionInfo(funcinfo); else amount = ToInt(amount); var info = (WubCall("global.mediaTimeData", []) ? [. currentMedia = "tv", currentState = "STOP" .]); var dat = Str_Split(Wub_GetDateTimeStr(), " "); var day = dat[0]; var timeLeft = info[day] ? [. tv = 1000 * 60 * 120, computer = 1000 * 60 * 120 .]; var now = Wub_GetDateTime(); var lastClick = info.lastClick ? 0; var computerRemaining =; var tvRemaining =; if info.currentState == "START" then html = "Must stop clock before changing time" else if (tvRemaining) < 1000 * 60 * amount * 2 then html = "Not enough TV time left to convert " + ToString(amount) + " minutes." else tvRemaining = tvRemaining - 1000 * 60 * amount * 2; computerRemaining = computerRemaining + 1000 * 60 * amount; timeLeft = [. tv = tvRemaining, computer = computerRemaining .]; info[day] := timeLeft; html = "Converted " + ToString(amount) + " minutes."; var funcinfo = Wub_GetFunctionInfo("global.mediaTimeData"); funcinfo.exec := ToString(info); Wub_SaveFunctionInfo(funcinfo); end end end; var m = Markup(WubCall("mediaTime", [html])); m = Wub_ReplaceAll(m, `10"`, `4; URL=/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=global.mediaTime"`); NewPage(m, "text/html");