Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: bacon Arguments: actor Description: Finds the bacon number of an actor and a list of bacon connections. Returns as XML Page type: webl Render function: Module: global Page source: var P = PostURL("", [. a = "Kevin Bacon", b = actor .]); var BN = Pat(P, `has a Bacon number of (\d+)`); var res = "<bacon>\n"; if Size(BN) > 0 then res = res + " <number>" + BN[0][1] + "</number>\n" end; var T = Elem(P, "table") directlycontain Pat(P, "was in"); if Size(T) > 0 then var parent = Parent(T[0]); var Spans = Elem(P, "span") inside parent; var j = 0; res = res + " <connections>\n"; while j + 2 < Size(Spans) do var movieTitle = Str_Trim(Text(Spans[j+1])); var i = Str_IndexOf(`(`, movieTitle); if (i > 0) then movieTitle = Str_Trim(Select(movieTitle, 0, i)); end; var actor1 = Str_Trim(Text(Spans[j])); i = Str_IndexOf(`(`, actor1); if (i > 0) then actor1 = Str_Trim(Select(actor1, 0, i)); end; var actor2 = Str_Trim(Text(Spans[j+2])); i = Str_IndexOf(`(`, actor2); if (i > 0) then actor2 = Str_Trim(Select(actor2, 0, i)); end; res = res + " <connection>\n"; res = res + " <actor>" + actor1 + "</actor>\n"; res = res + " <inMovie>" + movieTitle + "</inMovie>\n"; res = res + " <withActor>" + actor2 + "</withActor>\n"; res = res + " </connection>\n"; j = j + 2; end; res = res + " </connections>\n"; end; res = res + "</bacon>\n"; NewPage(res, "text/xml");