Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: siteeditpage
Arguments: ctype,module,usecache
Description: Template form for edit page
Page type: html
Render function:  
Module: collaborama

Page source:


<title>Collaborama: Re-inventing Software Development</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>  
  <script src="/static/cm/mode/wubhub/wubhub.js"></script>
  <script src="/static/cm/mode/xml/xml.js"></script>
  <script src="/static/cm/mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>
  <script src="/static/cm/mode/css/css.js"></script>
  <script src="/static/cm/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
      .CodeMirror {border: 1px solid grey; font-size:13px;background: #FFFFFF}

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      .CodeMirror-fullscreen {
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0; left: 0;
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  <!--[if IE 9]><link rel="stylesheet" href="" /><![endif]-->

<div id="smallheader-wrapper" class="12u">
	<header id="smallheader" class="5grid-layout">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="3u"> <!-- Logo -->
              <h1><img width=30 src=""><a href="/site/home" class="mobileUI-site-name">Collaborama</a></h1>
            <div class="8u" id="cmd">
  if wubinfo.user != false then
                  `<form name="wubhub" action="/doit/" method="post">
 						<input size=75 name="cmdline" title="Enter command">
  						<input type="submit" value="Go" title="Execute command">
  else ""

<div id="feature-wrapper">
	<div class="12u">
		<div id="onecolumn-content" class="5grid-layout">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="mobileUI-main-content">

<form action="/webl/WubHub_SaveFunction" method="post">
<div id="content" width="100%">
<!-- <div id="content-header">Source: edit [<a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=site.edit(edit)">edit</a>]
</div>  -->

<div id="main-text-wub">

      <table width="100%">
	    <select name="module">
var SelectedOption = fun(item, desired)
   if (item == desired) then
       return ` selected="true"`
       return " "

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns HTML listing leagal module options for a user
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
export var LegalModuleOptions = fun(module)
   var s = "";
   every m in Wub_WritableModules() do
      s = s + "<option" + SelectedOption(m,module) + ` value="` + m + `">` + m + "</option>\n"
   return s;
            <input name="name" value="%name%" size="30" title="Name of the function"/>
            Args: <input name="arglist" value="%arglist%" size="45" title="Comma-separated list of arguments"/>
            <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=edit(%module%.%name%.<webl>"%"+"prevVersion%"</webl>)">&lt;&lt;</a> Ver. %version% 
            <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=edit(%module%.%name%.<webl>"%"+"nextVersion%"</webl>)">&gt;&gt;</a>
          </td><td align="right">
             <input name="version" value="%version%" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="created" value="%created%" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="createdby" value="%createdby%" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="modified" value="%modified%" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="modifiedby" value="%modifiedby%" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="oldtags" value="<webl>`%old` + `tags%`</webl>" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="oldflags" value="<webl>`%old` + `flags%`</webl>" type="hidden" size="30"/>
             <input name="oldspecialtags" value="<webl>`%old` + `specialtags%`</webl>" type="hidden" size="30"/>

             <input type="submit" value="SAVE">
          <td valign="top">Description: </td>
          <td><textarea name="description" title="Brief synopsis of function">%description%</textarea></td>
          <td>Page type:
  if !(ctype member ["alias", "url", "webl", "javascript", "snippet", "html", "text"]) then
   ctype = "snippet";
var cattr = fun(b)
   if b then `checked="checked"` else "" end;
var c1 = cattr(ctype=="url");
var c2 = cattr(ctype=="webl");
var c7 = cattr(ctype=="javascript");
var c3 = cattr(ctype=="snippet");
var c4 = cattr(ctype=="html");
var c5 = cattr(ctype=="text");
var c6 = cattr(ctype=="alias");
`<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('alias');" value="alias"`    + c6 + `>Alias
<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('url');" value="url"`     + c1 + `>URL
<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('webl');" value="webl"`    + c2 + `>WebL script
<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('javascript');" value="javascript"`    + c7 + `>JavaScript
<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('snippet');" value="snippet"` + c3 + `>HTML snippet
<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('html');" value="html"`    + c4 + `>HTML page
<input type="radio" name="ctype" onchange="setContentMode('text');" value="text"`    + c5 + `>Text/data
          <td align="right"><small>F3-fullscreen</small></td>
  <textarea id="exec" name="exec" title="Text, data, or source code">%exec%</textarea>

    var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("exec"), {
        lineNumbers: true,
        lineWrapping: true,
        extraKeys: {
        "F3": function(cm) {
          setFullScreen(cm, !isFullScreen(cm));
        "Esc": function(cm) {
          if (isFullScreen(cm)) setFullScreen(cm, false);

  function setContentMode(val)
     if (val == "webl")
        editor.setOption("mode", "wubhub");
    else if (val == "text")
        editor.setOption("mode", "text/plain");
    else if (val == "javascript")
        editor.setOption("mode", "text/javascript");
        editor.setOption("mode", "text/html");
    function isFullScreen(cm) {
      return /\bCodeMirror-fullscreen\b/.test(cm.getWrapperElement().className);
    function winHeight() {
      return window.innerHeight || (document.documentElement || document.body).clientHeight;
    function setFullScreen(cm, full) {
      var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement();
      if (full) {
        wrap.className += " CodeMirror-fullscreen"; = winHeight() + "px"; = "hidden";
      } else {
        wrap.className = wrap.className.replace(" CodeMirror-fullscreen", ""); = ""; = "";
    CodeMirror.on(window, "resize", function() {
      var showing = document.body.getElementsByClassName("CodeMirror-fullscreen")[0];
      if (!showing) {
         editor.getWrapperElement().style.height = (winHeight() - 400) + "px";
      } else {
         showing.CodeMirror.getWrapperElement().style.height = winHeight() + "px";
  // Call it the first time
    editor.getWrapperElement().style.height = (winHeight() - 400) + "px";
  <div id="main-text">
          <td>Render function: </td>
          <td><input name="render" value="%render%" size="25" title="Specify function to render result, or leave blank for default behavior."/> </td>
          Test function:
          <input name="test" value="%test%" size="25" title="Specify optional unit test function that returns a boolean.  May be left blank."/></td>

          <td><input name="tags" value="%tags%" size="45" title="Specify a comma-separated list of tags. Tags are user-defined, searchable mechanisms for classifying functions.  May be left blank."/> </td>
          <td> Flags:
          <input name="flags" value="%flags%" size="45" title="Specify a comma-separated list of flags.  Flags are special tags used in some way by other WubHub functions (e.g. 'test' is used to indicate a unit test function).  May be left blank."/></td>

var cattr = fun(b)
   if b then `checked="checked"` else "" end;
var c1 = cattr(usecache=="usecache");

`<input type="checkbox" name="usecache" value="usecache" ` + c1 + `title="If selected, will save results for each arg combo to a cache and return results from cache before executing function.  This is GLOBAL across all users, so only use this as appropriate.">
   Cache results
</webl>  &nbsp; &nbsp;
            Expiration date:
            <input name="cacheexpire" value="%cacheexpire%" size="22" title="Cache expiration date: use format '11/02/07 4:12 pm'"/> &nbsp; &nbsp;

            Refresh rate:
            <input name="cacherefreshrate" value="%cacherefreshrate%" size="20" title="Cache refresh rate: use values such as '1W' (week), '1D' (day), or '1H' (hour) or combinations of these, such as '3D 2H'.  Note: refreshing will run in a background thread as the ANONYMOUS user, so only use for publicly-accessible functions."/>

          </td><td align="right">  [<a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=site.terms">Terms</a>]</td>



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