Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: groupBlog
Description: This is a blog for discussing all sorts of issues relating to adding AJAX to WubHub.
Page type: webl
Render function:   blogRender
Module: ajaxGroup

Page source:

[. `title` = `ajaxGroup Blog`, `description` = `This is a blog for discussing all sorts of issues relating to adding AJAX to WubHub.
`, `editname` = `ajaxGroup.groupBlog`, `entries` = [ [. `title` = `Portlets Go Prime Time!`, `content` = `The first major contribution from this group has been promoted to the "public" space for general use, with the following commands being added to site and siteutil directories:
   <li> site.newPortal(funcName): create a new Portal that will contain portlets
   <li> site.addCmdToPortlet(portlet): a form for adding any wubhub command to portletData
   <li> site.resetDefaultContent(portlet): overwrites portlet with contents from 'portlet'+"Default" function.<p>

   <li> siteutil.addCmdToPortalCmd: adds new content to portletData
   <li> siteutil.portlet: Executes and renders all cmds in portletData
   <li> siteutil.portalRenderDragableFrames: Render function using AJAX portlets
   <li> siteutil.dragableFramesCSS: supporting style sheet
   <li> siteutil.dragableFramesJS: supporting Javascript
We look forward to additional contributions from this group towards improving WubHub through AJAX/DHTML technologies!
`, `postedby` = `acheyer`, `when` = `7/29/06 2:41 PM`, `id` = 3, `image` = `<img src="">` .], [. `title` = `Cross browser!`, `content` = `I have recently made a few fixes that allows the ajax portlets to work on IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari (MAC) and Opera.  I have also added a "readonly=true" flag to allow portlets that can't be repositioned.
To do next:
   <li> Implement a SAVE command to allow the positions to be recorded </li>
   <li> Implement a multi-column size window </li>
</ul>`, `postedby` = `calo`, `when` = `7/27/06 12:45 PM`, `id` = 2 .], [. `title` = `Welcome to the ajaxGroup Blog!!!`, `content` = `This blog is for discussing all sorts of design issues and ideas relating to adding slick AJAX interfaces to WubHub.
To contribute to this blog, use the command <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=addEntryToBlog(ajaxGroup.groupBlog)">addEntryToBlog(ajaxGroup.groupBlog)</a>.
I look forward to your contributions!
-- Adam.
`, `postedby` = `acheyer`, `when` = `7/21/06 4:17 AM`, `id` = 1, `image` = `<img src="">` .]] .]