Source: lsByTag [edit]

Functions for 'system.cached'

   PER1() [source/edit/go]   Data columns become shifted
   PER2() [source/edit/go]   Option to open in same/new window
   PER3() [source/edit/go]   Setting to enable/disable tooltip above cartoons
   PER4() [source/edit/go]   Add parameter to hide "keep in same window" option
   PER5() [source/edit/go]   Create Synonyms List for Categories
   PER6() [source/edit/go]   Two Word Search Categories..and beyond.
   PER7() [source/edit/go]   EXCLUSIVE CATEGORY SEARCH
   COL1() [source/edit/go]   Investigate CouchDB for distributed file store
   PER8() [source/edit/go]   BITLY Replacement with original URL
   COL2() [source/edit/go]   Private resource, private module
   getRandom(dt,max) [source/edit]   Given a date as a seed, return a list of MAX random numbers from 0 to 10000. Uses caching to return results for the date.
   getConnections() [source/edit/go]   
   cultureBonk(DesiredCityCode) [source/edit]   Scrapes FlavorPill and associated Sources of Events in a PartyBonk manner. Chose City from sf, la, ldn, nyc, chi.
   cacheGetURL(url) [source/edit]   Returns a url but caches the URL.
   cmdGetSchoolRankings() [source/edit/go]   Retrieve list of best colleges
   whatsnew() [source/edit/go]   List recently created functions
   runAllUnitTests() [source/edit/go]   Runs all defined unit tests (marked with "test" tag)
   bingWebCount(query) [source/edit]   Find number of webpages matching 'query'. If pass an optional argument, will quote string.
   countryInfo(country) [source/edit]   Returns 2 and 3 letter country codes, phone code, and population
   yahooWebCount(search) [source/edit]   Find links to webpages matching 'search'
   DEM1() [source/edit/go]   Reddit style discussion forum
   searchDates(query,dates) [source/edit]   Search for query from pages in dates
   COL1() [source/edit/go]   Investigate CouchDB for distributed file store
   testGoogleMovies() [source/edit/go]   
   callZocDoc(specialty,zip,... [source/edit]   
   popular() [source/edit/go]   Lists functions in order of most popular, according to number of calls.