Source: global.tlidReleaseNotes [edit]

Release Notes for tLID

tLID  version 0.1.7
tLID stands for "Task Learning through Interactive Discussion". The goals of the system is to enable individuals and communities to create and share web-automation tasks by using a natural interface and direct manipulation as appropriate.

Change log

v0.1.7Fixed crash on forms without action field. Tab ordering on dialog boxes fixed. Sort and reverse sort. Return can take full references (e.g. "the links", "the link", "them") including "the variables" which returns an object containing all variables.
Note: this release has not been tested as much as 0.1.6, so you may want to stick with 0.1.6 for a bit, use at your own risk.
v0.1.6Roll back fix for checking field existance, as the patch fix created a worse problem.
v0.1.5Fixed OAA Fac error when sending large complex pages to render. Added initial "Known Tasks" button in interface and popup for displaying how to do a task. "Known Tasks" now only search user's private space and public space, not from other users. Welcome screen. Must login with a valid wubhub account. Starts in "TRY Mode" rather than "TEACH Mode": commands aren't added to current task until you start to teach CALO.
v0.1.4If in loop, save automatically ends loop. Added various synonyms. Save example inputs as comments in generated procedure. Fixed broken subroutine calling. Fixed "Return the page" for a function.
v0.1.3Added support for radio buttons and checkboxes in forms. Added "Undo" command to undo last task step. Fixed "Report a problem" bug. Fixed problem with function argument names matching reserved words. Added concatenation of strings in resolveReference.
v0.1.2Added support for "pulldown" fields in forms. Added "Release Notes" and "Report a Problem" buttons to GUI.
v0.1.1   Initial version. Can create and publish tasks, discover tasks from others, and call other tasks (as subroutines). Basic commands for querying webpages implemented.

Bugs and Future Features

  • See tlidToDo for a list of bugs and future features.