Source: global.ltTLID [edit]
[[. "cmd" = "global.luckySearchUsingMslive", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to lucky search for a term using MSLive
     -> Example input: term='Adam Cheyer'  ", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field q is the term
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "q", term);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that come after options
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  after Pat(P, `(?i)` + `option`));

//|| select the second link
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),1,2));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| return the page

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "term" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findPerDiem", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to lookup the Per Diem rate for a year, a city, and a state
   - year (string): A year (e.g. 2007)
   - city (string): A city (e.g. Oakland)
   - state (string): A state (e.g. California)
   - returns (string): Per diem in dollars as an integer value
", "exec" = "var P;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| how many forms are there
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| how many forms are there that contain "Rates for Fiscal Year"
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `Rates for Fiscal Year`));

//|| field queryYear is the year
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "queryYear", year);

//|| field queryState is the state
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "queryState", state);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all rows that contain the city
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`tr`, Elem(P, `tr`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + city));

//|| find all cells that are inside the row
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`td`, Elem(P, `td`)  inside NLUtil_GetContext(context, `tr`)[0]);

//|| select the third one
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),2,3));

//|| return it

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "year,city,state" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findPhotos", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find photos for a term
     -> searches for images on Flickr
     -> Example inputs: term='flower'  ", "exec" = "var P;
var loopResult;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field q is the term
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "q", term);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all rows that contain the term
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`tr`, Elem(P, `tr`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + term));

//|| for every row
loopResult = [];
every tr in NLUtil_GetContext(context, `tr`) do

//||   find all images that are inside the row
  P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
  context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`img`, Elem(P, `img`)    inside tr);

//||   select the first one
  context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| end loop
  loopResult = loopResult + [NLUtil_LastValue(context)];
NLUtil_SetContext(context, NLUtil_LastType(context), loopResult);

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "term" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findBooksBy", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find books by an author
     -> Example input: author='Michael Dahl'  ", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that contain Books
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `Books`));

//|| select first link
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| select first form
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| fill in field-keywords with the author
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "field-keywords", author);

//|| submit form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| return the page

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "author" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findCheapestBook", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find cheapest book for a topic
     -> finds ref:cheapest matching amazon book, returns detail page to it.
     -> Example input: topic='Harry Potter'  ", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| select the first one
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| field url is Books
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "url", `Books`);

//|| field keywords is the topic
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "keywords", topic);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms that contain "sort by"
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `sort by`));

//|| field sort is "Price: Low to High"
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "sort", `Price: Low to High`);

//|| submit
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that contain "Buy"
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `Buy`));

//|| select the first one
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| return the page

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "topic" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findContactPage", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find contact page of an organization
     -> Example input: organization='stanford university'  ", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field q is the organization
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "q", organization);

//|| submit form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that contain the organization
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + organization));

//|| select first link
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| find all links that contain "Contact"
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `Contact`));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "organization" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findMovieTheaters", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find movie theaters for a zipcode
     -> look up theaters for zipcode from Yahoo. Returns list of words for each theater name.", "exec" = "var P;
var loopResult;
var theaters;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms that contain "Browse by Location"
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `Browse by Location`));

//|| field z is the zipcode
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "z", zipcode);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all cells that directly contain "Add to My Favorite Theaters"
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`td`, Elem(P, `td`)  directlycontain Pat(P, `(?i)` + `Add to My Favorite Theaters`));

//|| for every cell
loopResult = [];
every td in NLUtil_GetContext(context, `td`) do

//||   find all words that are inside the cell
  P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
  context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`word`, Pat(P, `(\S)+\s`)    inside td);

//||   select all except for the last seven
  context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,Size(NLUtil_LastSet(context)) - 7));
  loopResult = loopResult + [NLUtil_LastSet(context)];
NLUtil_SetContext(context, NLUtil_LastType(context), loopResult);

//|| call them theaters
theaters = NLUtil_LastSet(context);

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "zipcode" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findPhone", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find phone for someone", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field cee_login is "test"
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "cee_login", `test`);

//|| submit
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| click on the Directory link
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`) contain Pat(P, `(?i)Directory`));
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| how many forms are there
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field queryString is the person
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "queryString", person);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all tables
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`table`, Elem(P, `table`) );

//|| find all tables that contain the person
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`table`, Elem(P, `table`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + person));

//|| get the Phone for the person
tmp1 = NLUtil_GetTableCell(context, `Phone`, person);
if tmp1 != nil then
   context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`td`,[tmp1]);

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "person" .], [. "cmd" = "global.findPublications", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to find publications for a project
     -> Example input: project='centibots'  ", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| fill in q with the project
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "q", project);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that contain the project
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + project));

//|| select the first link
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| click on the publications link
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`) contain Pat(P, `(?i)publications`));
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

//|| return the page

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "project" .], [. "cmd" = "", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to search for a term
     -> Example input: term='SRI International'  ", "exec" = "var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| search Google for the term
context = WubCall(`global.searchGoogle`,[term, context]);

//|| return them

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "term" .], [. "cmd" = "global.searchGoogle", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to search google for a term", "exec" = "var P;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field q is the term
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "q", term);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that contain the term
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + term));

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "term" .], [. "cmd" = "global.luckySearch", "module" = "global", "description" = "A command to lucky search for a term
     -> search Google for a term, click the first result, return the page", "exec" = "var P;
var tmp1;
var context;

context = NLUtil_InitContext();

//|| go to
context = NLUtil_GetUrl(context, "", nil, nil);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all forms
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`form`, Elem(P, `form`) );

//|| field q is the term
context = NLUtil_SetField(context, "q", term);

//|| submit the form
context = NLUtil_submitForm(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

//|| find all links that contain the term
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context,`P`);
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,`a`, Elem(P, `a`)  contain Pat(P, `(?i)` + term));

//|| select the first one
context = NLUtil_SetContext(context,NLUtil_LastType(context), Select(NLUtil_LastSet(context),0,1));

//|| click it
context = NLUtil_clickLink(context);
P = NLUtil_GetContext(context, `P`);

context = NLUtil_SetContext(context, `P`, P);

if Size(OPTIONALARGS) == 0 then
", "arglist" = "term" .]]