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ajaxGroup Blog

Portlets Go Prime Time!

7/29/06 2:41 PM
Posted by acheyer
The first major contribution from this group has been promoted to the "public" space for general use, with the following commands being added to site and siteutil directories:
  • site.newPortal(funcName): create a new Portal that will contain portlets
  • site.addCmdToPortlet(portlet): a form for adding any wubhub command to portletData
  • site.resetDefaultContent(portlet): overwrites portlet with contents from 'portlet'+"Default" function.

  • siteutil.addCmdToPortalCmd: adds new content to portletData
  • siteutil.portlet: Executes and renders all cmds in portletData
  • siteutil.portalRenderDragableFrames: Render function using AJAX portlets
  • siteutil.dragableFramesCSS: supporting style sheet
  • siteutil.dragableFramesJS: supporting Javascript
We look forward to additional contributions from this group towards improving WubHub through AJAX/DHTML technologies!

Cross browser!

7/27/06 12:45 PM
Posted by calo
I have recently made a few fixes that allows the ajax portlets to work on IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari (MAC) and Opera. I have also added a "readonly=true" flag to allow portlets that can't be repositioned.

To do next:

  • Implement a SAVE command to allow the positions to be recorded
  • Implement a multi-column size window

Welcome to the ajaxGroup Blog!!!

7/21/06 4:17 AM
Posted by acheyer
This blog is for discussing all sorts of design issues and ideas relating to adding slick AJAX interfaces to WubHub.

To contribute to this blog, use the command addEntryToBlog(ajaxGroup.groupBlog).

I look forward to your contributions!

-- Adam.